Saturday, July 24, 2010

Rolling in the Clover

Sometimes the critters are smarter than the humans. We're in high summer now, with temperatures reaching into the 90s during the days and not cooling much below 70 at night. This week, I've heard quite a few humans complaining about the clover. When temperatures get hot, the grass goes dormant, but the clover keeps growing. Humans complain that it makes their yards look bad, that it messes up their golf game. Many are out to kill the clover. But the clover is fertilizing their yards and pastures. It's putting nitrogen into the soil -- for free. The animals love the clover. It's tastier than dormant grass and packs a lot more nutrients. Plus, it provides some relief from the heat. The clover is sucking water from the soil, and the water is cooler than the air temperatures. That's why the dogs lay in the clover patch, why the sheep graze there during the day. That's why I sometimes take off my shoes and walk through the yard, marveling at the coolness when walking through the clover.

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