Sunday, May 22, 2011


When I saw the sheep that morning, I had trouble visualizing a good result.

The sheep didn't want to stay in one spot, even with a person and dog attempting to hold them in place. When given a chance, the sheep wanted to bolt back to their buddies in the set out pen.

Caeli and I walked to the post. I took a couple of big breaths and waited for the sheep to settle. Looking down, I see that her eyes are on the sheep and she is trembling.

Taking another deep breath, I sent her.

And at some point, the months of training, the work on a variety of different sheep, the mistakes, paid off.

We didn't have the prettiest run.

But we made it through the course.

When the sheep went into the pen and I closed the gate, I was shaking. I wasn't sure if I was amazed or relieved.

Caeli, though, was smiling and ready to try it again.

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