Thursday, January 7, 2010

Noticing the Absence

When traveling to Wyoming, I remember seeing rock that wind wore and carved over the years. For the past six days, I've felt like those rocks. The wind has gone non-stop, never howling, just a steady 10 or 20 mph that makes me scrunch my shoulders and hide my face, that makes me want to escape to the indoors, only to find there is no escape. The wind pushes the cold into the farmhouse. The wood burning stove, which usually keeps the house warm, can't keep up with the wind and freezing temperatures. The furnace kicks on frequently day and night. I never feel warm. Until this morning, when the wind stopped. I walked outside and threw my shoulders back and held my head up and enjoyed the snow and stillness that surrounded me.

1 comment:

  1. Is it any wonder the people in the west are so weather worn...... I too remember the wind of Wyoming. I know the wind that blows on your farmhouse, burrrrr.
