Friday, March 19, 2010

Be Wary of the Birds of Spring

Don't believe all that nonsense about happy bird songs of spring. Today, I was reminded of the more startling bird sounds. As I was walking near the corn field, I was looking at the ground below. Had it dried enough so I tractor pulling a manure spreader didn't leave tracks? The rustling six feet away caused me to jump sideways. Two Canada geese were resting or nesting, and when I was too close, they took flight. Birds that size taking off from among dried corn stalks can make quite a sound. After my heart returned to normal, I resumed my walk. Later, after working my Border collie on sheep, I exited through a sheep stall. As I walked by the hay bin, a hen emerged squawking. Apparently, she had decided the hay feeder was a good place for a nest, and I was too close.

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love those birds! Hahahaha. ps. Thanks for your comment on my blog! YeaHaw!
