Saturday, October 16, 2010

Horse Shopping 101

A year ago, I dipped my toes into horse shopping. Scuba died last October, and Dundee died in December. That left Lily, the Haflinger, as an only horse. I thought finding another horse would be easy. Afterall, the economic collapse of 2008 created a buyers' market. I narrowed my search to Haflingers. Because Lily gets fat on a few hours of pasture, she spends most of the day in a dry lot. It would be easiest if the other horse could be on that schedule too. I also had fallen in love with the Haflinger breed. They're a great size -- usually falling into the large pony or small horse category. They also are very personable horses. Most want to be with humans and are very curious. Plus, with that golden color and their white manes and tails, they're just cute, cute, cute. There were lots of Haflingers for sale, I soon discovered. However, finding the right one was going to take time.

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