Sunday, May 13, 2012

Llambert the Llama's Present to a Mama Ewe

In the early dawn hours, the ewes, the llama and all but one lamb slumber in the paddock.

The youngest ram lamb is wide awake and ready to play. Climbing atop a recumbent Llambert the Llama, the lamb strikes a pose before leaping and twisting into the air.

Lately, on clear nights, Llambert has been sleeping in the pasture, away from the lambs and ewes. Had he grown tired of the lambs using him as playground equipment? What made him choose the paddock for slumber last night? Did he know a ewe needed a break from her rambunctious ram lambs?

The lamb hops onto Llambert's back again and leaps again. Still, the other ewes and lamb snooze. None get up to join the lamb who climbs and leaps, climbs and leaps, into the slowly awakening morning.

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