Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Sunny Day in November

We are entering the time of year in Ohio when sunlight is counted in hours instead of days.

So when the sun shines on a Saturday, I take full advantage.

I ride Lily, who acted like an old pro. She loves working in open fields where it's easy to spot those mountain lions.

And Jet, who scouted the nearby woods for mountain lions, but finally was convinced they weren't lying in wait.

I made apple crisp, a treat in this year when apples are scarce.

Then, it was off to visit Raven and seeing what she's been learning for the past few weeks. While there, Mickey worked the sheep and showed that she didn't lose her sheep-sense in her two-month layoff.

Then it was off a visit and dinner with friends.

Undone were all those indoor chores that could wait for a windy or rainy day, which seem to come more often as winter approaches.

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