Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Back to the Chick House

While I was cleaning barns this morning, a juvenile red-tailed hawk circled the pullets' pasture. I ran over to check on the chickens and found them inside, huddled under nesting boxes, behind the grain can, in corners. A head count revealed all were there. The older hens paid no attention to the hawk. Was it their experience or size that kept them roaming the pastures. How big is big enough? I don't know the answer to that question. I do know the pullets are big enough so that Trick the cat is no longer a threat. He walked into the chicken yard and laid down. Cockerels puffed their feathers and squawked, but everyone seemed to understand it was all for show. But I'm going to play it safe. The chicks return to the confines of their house for several days. Hopefully that will give the juvie hawk time to find someone else to taunt.

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