Friday, January 11, 2013

Not following the the rules

A good trial lawyer never asks a question that she doesn't know the answer.

Likewise, I don't blog about an event that is evolving where the outcome is uncertain. When the lamb broke her leg, I didn't blog about it until I knew she'd live, likewise the neurological ewe, the sick horse, etc.

Well, because it is January, and I'm tired of writing about mud and rain, and it's the season when the daily routine consists of cleaning, feeding, and wishing for sunlight, I'm breaking my blog rule.

Yep, that's right. You're going to get updates on my quest to solve the missing chicken egg mystery.

I'm hoping it's a short mystery, and one that doesn't stretch from A to Z, or 1 to 15. I'm also hoping it's one that doesn't end in feathers and chicken dinners. We'll see.

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